Alex Cima (1930 - 2002)

A Letter from Candace Cima

As founder of the Small Comforts Foundation, I appreciate your giving  me the opportunity to tell you more about Small Comforts. 

The idea to found Small Comforts came from the years I spent watching my husband deal with chronic illness. Watching him deal heroically with kidney disease and various other illnesses made me aware of the world of the chronically ill. We met many wonderful people over the years who, through no fault of their own, also live in this world. At times their whole world becomes the hospital room, and there are times when any escape, even momentary, is the only relief from the constant agony of the next test or procedure. Supporting and helping someone dealing with chronic illness is probably the hardest thing you will ever do.  At the same time, it may be the most important thing you will ever do.  The strength and understanding that your loved one gets from you is invaluable. The best advice I can give you is find a balance between your needs and the needs of the person who is ill and maintain it. If you give all of yourself emotionally and physically to your loved one, eventually you will have nothing left to give just when they need you the most. 

If you are the person dealing with an illness, please understand that the impatience and anger that your caretaker may sometimes display is not directed at you but comes from the deep frustration of not being able to change your situation or take away your suffering..

My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

Candy Cima